Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
Band of the Week: Blood of Patriots

Wingnuts unite! Don't get caught in the question "Overdosed on Iraq yet?" Don't get caught in that Whirlpool moonbat trap! It's time ChickenHawks Stand Up! I say fuck The Truth... lets get behind the American Occupation of Islamofascists!
And you'll agree if you Love Your Country, or be taken out to the extermination shed...your choice.
Bleed with the Patriots live at Room 710 Saturday in Austin, if your not a pussy.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Monday, August 21, 2006
I Got to Run...

...to keep from hiding.

And I'm bound, to keep on riding.

I've got one more silver dollar.

But I'm not gonna let them catch me, no, not gonna let them catch the midnight rider.

Friday, August 18, 2006
Band of the week: DownSiid

I'm A Simple Man. Sex, drugs and rock n' roll is all I ask from this world. And I will get what "I" want! Or not.
See DownSiid live tonight in Austin at redruM.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
HNT: Blind in Texas Fantasy Football League

Introducing the first annual Blind in Texas Fantasy Football League!
It will most likely be just me this year, unless Smarty is not scared...or Geoffrey grabs his balls. I know for damn sure Jack Rabbit doesn't have the guts. I'm betting they really hate Football in Indiana, so know one will step up there. Anyway, here are the rules, so simple even a Pittsburg fan can follow them...
You pick 4 players a week(17 wks), one of each: QB, RB, WR and K. But you can only use a player once during the year. Tightends can be used as WR's. He/She with the most points at the end of the year wins.
Scoring system:
1 point every 10 yards rushing and receiving, 10 pts for every rushing and receiving TD.
1 point every 25 yards passing, 5 points every passing TD.
1 point every 10 yards of a field goal. (ex. a 39yrd FG is 3 points)
Game on.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
The War on Lust

For ours is no struggle against enemies of flesh and blood but against the master-spirits and cosmic powers that control and govern this dark world. Against the host of wicked spirits from the very headquarters of evil that are arrayed against us in heavenly warfare. Ephesians 6:12
In 2011, three years into President Hillary Clinton's first term, a sharp rise in violent rapes swept across the United States. In only one year of underground recruiting, Supreme leader Bush and his followers organized an Army that successfully executed the Holy Coo, HEHAD heehaw'd(Holy Extraction of Hillary and Atheist Democrats), that saved us all from the liberals...
Holy Council Times Washington, DC Aug 15 2016
Just four years after Supreme Leader Bush launched The War on Lust, there is cautious grumbling being heard from some on the Holy Council. Rev. Slasheesta, from the Texas sect, and former holder of the "100% club" record for most times as "Bush Supporter of the Week", lost his title instantly when he openly questioned why so many of the young were being sacrificed on the floor of the Holy Council. "Are not the young the first to lust?" "Shouldn't they be given a second chance?"
Rev. Slashieesta soon after lost his life, and his seat on the council. No more grumblings have been heard from the Holy Council since...
...story developing.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Band of the Week: Hognose

You know why I hate wingnuts? (hell yes I said hate, and I confess it to my priest and friends and who ever the fuck else want to know every chance I get)
Because they're such wimps. Ronald "ChickenHawk" Reagan tried to use his acting skills to plaster "Liberal" on the weakling wall, but history has already poked holes through that conservative facade. You (wingnut) want to be taken seriously as tough...then walk the walk bitch(Geoffrey et al).
I feel like I'm wearing a turtle neck talking to you chickenhawks...feels a lot like being chocked by a really really weak guy. "Get Your Hand Off My Neck you piss-ant, that tickles!" proclaimed elmo.
Your a bitch ass Fountainhead.
See Hognose live Saturday at Ruta Maya in Austin.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
HNT: Buddy Fuckers

Bush said the terrorists plot the British uncovered was further proof "that this nation is at war with Islamic fascists."
But when 100 people die in Iraq a day he says "Naaa, hell no!" "There aint no stinkn' civil war in Iraq!"
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Apocalypse Update

Chimpies Weekly Radio Address
C'mon kids, let's go to Army World! Phinky has an update , and it's priceless!
TeaBag Video: Weapons of Mass Marketing
Monday, August 07, 2006
Friday, August 04, 2006
Band of the Week: Chadd Thomas and the Crazy Kings

My (What's yours?) favorite oxymoron of all time is *Preemptive War* 'cause all the fly cats know the only way to prevent war...is to start one? Why is it all vertigo and shit in here kit-kat? Hush Hush baby cakes, mamma's got you...
Has it been a Long Time Baby? I'm sorry, it's that Highway Kustom King daddy pulling at my soul! You know I love you! Look, why don't you come along this time, baby doll? I think you'll dig Swingin' with the Kings.
See Chadd Thomas and the Crazy Kings live tonight at Cheapo Records in Austin.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Retro HNT: Block Island RI. 1989

I just finished IT. I was soooo proud of myself. Me and my best friend, Narot (he's an illegal alien from the planet Neptune), worked at the Airport Diner cooking corn beef hash and poached eggs...
...we also constructed the most popular sand "castle" on the beach that summer.

Everyone with a camera took pictures, the rest just gawked in awe.

We were so proud of ourselves. 18 and life to go.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Turd Twister: #1 Best Seller at BuyWingNut.com

All the best WingNuts got one. Cunt Coulter, Bill O'Really, Sean Handicap, Rush Limpbaugh, Laura Lamegram, George Bush!!! (yes he has one too), Dick Dastardly, Mel Gibson, Geoffrey...and the list goes on and on and on.
Why haven't you got yours yet? Are you too much of an elitist prick to shape your shit? Yeah that's what I thought , you don't have one, your one of those MoonBats who do nothing but throw around facts. Your tree-hugging ass can't even produce a lump hard turd fit for twisting...your shit's too soft!