HNT: Blind in Texas Fantasy Football League
Introducing the first annual Blind in Texas Fantasy Football League!
It will most likely be just me this year, unless Smarty is not scared...or Geoffrey grabs his balls. I know for damn sure Jack Rabbit doesn't have the guts. I'm betting they really hate Football in Indiana, so know one will step up there. Anyway, here are the rules, so simple even a Pittsburg fan can follow them...
You pick 4 players a week(17 wks), one of each: QB, RB, WR and K. But you can only use a player once during the year. Tightends can be used as WR's. He/She with the most points at the end of the year wins.
Scoring system:
1 point every 10 yards rushing and receiving, 10 pts for every rushing and receiving TD.
1 point every 25 yards passing, 5 points every passing TD.
1 point every 10 yards of a field goal. (ex. a 39yrd FG is 3 points)
Game on.
I got dibs on #9
Frilly panties with matching knee-pads! I'm going to need a moment alone.
Its not that I don't have the guts, its because I don't like you.
spoken like a true chickenhawk.
Hate football in Indiana?
My God man...
I moved to this fucking state just to be near ND, which we all know is God's team.
Go Irish
as always, all my best,
I know JQP, just pulln' your chain.
Go Irish! Unless they're playn' the Longhorns.
So does anyone want to play?
tell em Nolff!
Elmo - dude, I am gay and from Indiana and I love me some football!
Like JQP said - go Irish!
Hi Han! I'll call as soon as I get out of the class I'm in.
Nolff just don't get it does he Kyle? Oh well some people are just slow.
Ok, if you make it 1 QB, 1 RB, and 1 WR and leave off the kicker then I still won't play.
Hey whatever happened to Gabe? Did he finally ship off to Iraq?
I never got the fax or email or IM. People presume I'm slow with my masters degree in Visual communications.
I'm just sick of guys who like blah reagan blah moonbat blah blah. They are everywhere. Even at the grocery store.
I give the East Germans credit for tearing down the wall.
I give Pink Floyd credit.
Just so you know nolff, I have to here politics from elmo everyday from 5:30 to 7:00 when I really don't give a fuck. Thank God the beer helps.
Yeah, politics and "fuckn' Bush" is getting old for Jack.
Cabe retired from the blogosphere teh.
So no one want to play fantasy football?
Elmo, you are the only one who could drag me into fantasy football.
Game on.
Yes! You Rock! I wont let you on purpose, but I totally hope you win.
you have an Impacted bowel.
I miss Cabe's antics.
Check ou this guy:
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