Because I have a daughter. It's not quit as simple as that, but that's what it comes down to, I have a daughter. I've balanced all the issues. And I have weighed the candidates strengths and weaknesses. I've come to peace with how each would do in office, Obama and Clinton, and got no where close to making a solid decision. In the end, I chose Clinton because my daughter deserves a legitimate role model to look up to after I teach her she can do anything she wants in life. In America, the Presidency is at the top of that hill.
Lets face it, When it comes to the issues, there isn't enough air between Obama and Clinton to keep a nat alive for thirty seconds. Clinton's health care policy looks better on paper, but Obama's has a, albeit slightly, better chance of passing through congress. Obama likes to brag about how he was against the Iraq war resolution when Clinton voted for it, but when he got to the Senate he voted to fund the war right along with Clinton. And I believe them both when they say they are sincere about ending the war as fast as possible when in office. And the economy? Please, just give me a Democrat and fast! So that just leaves who is tougher in the trenches.
It's conventional wisdom that Clinton is tougher, but I believe Obama can hold his own once challenged. Sure, Clinton is tried, true, and tested. She has survived all the conservatives had to throw at her, while Obama has yet to fight a major battle against them. But I have no reason to believe he couldn't hold his own once they do start attacking him, and they will. So there, that was the pickle I was in.
I was discussing this with my friends over at Faith of the Abomination, when Han asked me,"Well, you do have a daughter, don't you?" And that's when it hit me.When I see the crop of role models out there for young girls today, I cringe. Britney Spears? Paris Hilton? Hanna fucking Montana...are you kidding me!?! It is important that this generation of young girls understand that their brains are more important than their bodies. Women still get paid less to do the same jobs as males. America is 64th in the WORLD in the amount of women leaders we produce. And so on, and so on.
Call me selfish but I think my daughter deserves better. Obama and Clinton may be a lot alike, but she is the only one who can change the injustices waiting on our young women. So I am voting for Hillary...because I have a daughter.