I awoke this morning expecting to be uplifted by the overwhelming gratitude for veterans' services on C-SPAN. Instead, I get
Michelle Malkin. A woman, who admittedly, doesn't understand why you have to be willing to fight a war in order to support it.
But Lets put that aside for now...
This (mostly deserving of a bitch slap) woman had the nerve to humiliate grunts in the middle of a MOTHER FUCKING GROUND WAR! She gave a polite
Dau·mier...smiling a lot, and sighing, then totally disrespected the one part of our military that is the most indispensable. THE INFANTRY!
This holier than thou, I'm smarter than you, uppity, my English is better than yours bitch; had the nerve to say foul language was...
"A sign of intelectual weakness."FUCK YOU BITCH! Have you ever worked in the desert? You have to get used to sand down the crack of your ass...constantly. You worry about water, bullets, and your battle buddy, not your fucking nials. You don't sleep well, if at all, and your digestive system gives you fits. Your body hurts to the bone and your ballsack collects mass amounts of cheese. You don't get the luxury of bitching, complaining. Your only choise is to get close to perfect or die...and nobody is perfect. Guess what? We cuss a lot! If you think Sailers are bad you've never met a grunt.
We may be 'intellectually weak' you cum guzzling bitch, but we're not stupid. If you had the 'balls' to just train for our job I'd give you a little credit. But you have nothing to offer but words. Fuck words, we need action. And the last thing we need is some skinny, money grubbing bitch telling us we're stupid because we have fuck'n potty mouths! FUCK YOU!
Next time you might want to stop and think before you speak bitch. And if you cant handle the criticism don't join the infantry, we need
(My apologies to anyone I offended...except Malkin.)