Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Do you want us to win in Iraq?
Well, do you? Why are you hesitating? It's a simple yes or no question. The answer is yes dammit, YES! Now the question is what does victory in Iraq look like? Well, that's easy too. Victory in Iraq would be a stable Iraqi government( or governments) free from sectarian strife. This kind of victory can't be won by our military presence. This kind of victory will only be had through stringent negotiations between Iraqi sects, partitioning the country, or after an all out civel war.
But there is one definite way to lose the war...stay the course.
But there is one definite way to lose the war...stay the course.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Fantasy Congress!!!

Oh, Hell Yes!!! Fantasy Congress!!! I'm all over this. You can sign up **here** and join my league, **The Nuclear Option** which will go live Nov 8th.
The Members of Congress (MCs) on your team are your players: they will be responsible for scoring the points. How? By moving bills through their chamber of Congress, the opposite chamber of Congress, and onto the President's desk for his signature.
The progress of each bill in the game is not anything simulated or imaginary; every bill in the database is an actual piece of legislation moving through Congress this very minute. Our database is updated daily, so your progress in the game reflects the progress of real legislators moving passing real legislation.
The seven basic stages through which your MCs must push legislation - and by which earn their points - are as follows:
Introduction in their Chamber (House or Senate)
Approval by Committee
Vote on the Floor of their Chamber
Introduction in the opposite Chamber
Approval by Committee in opposite Chamber
Vote on the Floor of opposite Chamber
President's Signature
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Episode 437: Double Speaking in the Brush Clearing Patch

We'll stay the course of course of course, unless the course it brings remorse, then of course we'll examine the course...deciding to stay the famous course! Do dodo, do dodo...stay the famouse course...
In today's episode we bla bla bla bla...
Monday, October 23, 2006
Politicalization Smutliticalization
The G.O.P. has lost all reasonable prospects of being considered creatable. If you support them, you need a psychiatrist. Their final slimy push toward election day has forced even the most morally conscious conservatives into the shit pit. See here, here and here. They had no choice, Karl Rove threatened to hold back campaign money if cut-throat negativity was not used against the Demarcates in tight races. So now all red-neck, God fearing, couch potatoes living in trailer parks believe the Demarcates will let the terrorist take over our country, take all your money and eat your children. Nice way to get out the vote Karl.
Meanwhile, Democrats who point to the leaked classified intelligence estimate that claims the Iraq War worsens the terrorism threat; or the leak of the Iraq Study Group's report, headed by James Baker, that claims it is time to leave Iraq, are said to be politicizing the war.
Karl Rove wants us to believe that any release of facts to the public in order for us to make a better decision as how to vote is bad...BAD! But smearing shit in the faces of Demarcates is A'OK. The sad thing is some Dem's will just take the shit smearing like cowards. But don't worry, we're working on purging the party of the wimps.
Meanwhile, Democrats who point to the leaked classified intelligence estimate that claims the Iraq War worsens the terrorism threat; or the leak of the Iraq Study Group's report, headed by James Baker, that claims it is time to leave Iraq, are said to be politicizing the war.
Karl Rove wants us to believe that any release of facts to the public in order for us to make a better decision as how to vote is bad...BAD! But smearing shit in the faces of Demarcates is A'OK. The sad thing is some Dem's will just take the shit smearing like cowards. But don't worry, we're working on purging the party of the wimps.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
To Disarm, or not to Disarm...

...is that the question?
Iraq's Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, will not try and disarm the militias responsible for the sectarian violence until after the U.S. November elections. It would look too much like a civil war escalating and hurt the Republicans' chance of holding control of the government.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Remember Me When I'm Gone

Bill found out that I'm the leaker of that Foley thang 'a mujig...so he dressed me up in drag and sacrificed me to the Evangelicals.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006
Band of the Week: Excess Lettuce

Bye bye G.O.P...bye bye moral majority...bye bye Geoffrey. From now on we're living on Rice Paper and Hanky Panky Rosanky baby! Everybody is getting fucked, we'll Trick You To Stay if you want to leave. So do your Little Dances bitch. Now, let Lolita and Miranda in and shut the door please.
See Excess Lettuce live tonight at Beerland.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
HNT: Entrapment!

Those sneaky moonbat puppets got me drunk! I'm an alcoholic ex-alter boy! I did not have sex with that puppet...Mr. Baby Bear wags finger the Democrats entrapped me!
Fuck it, I resign, but I'm taking a few other puppets down with me.