Hey, Babay Basking. Little Bitch Wanna Play? *UPDATED*

My guess is not. Little "Baybay" wanna-be bitches never do. But I could be wrong this time. I mean, Uncle Bimbo, you are SF...right? Why wouldn't you come after a three foot puppet who is your favorite color? Are you scared? Pussy boy. I bet you are. I fucked with you years ago, but you backed off then. Back off now, motherfucker...
Update: Just sent the bitch a "Coin Check" email. Will he respond? Place your bets...
*UPDATE* The bitch licked me. Hi y'all! waves to the wingnuts
Don't be shy, Uncle Knuckle Dragger, I should be easy to take down for a strong, brave, bad ass American such as yourself?
Let me guess, you have a profile excluding you from fighting? What, are your balls too small? Well, where are your cronies? I'll tell you where they are, they are shaking like lily livered cowards in a corner with you.