Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Torture Didn't Work On Jesus Either

Tell me, wingnut, did Jesus give the Romans what they wanted? If he did, then torture truly does work...


Blogger Elmo said...

Out here the city lights out shine the moon...

Wed May 06, 10:08:00 PM CDT  
Blogger ThunderMonkey said...

But the Romans weren't trying to get anything out of Jesus... they were just beating the man for the sake of beating him.

However, it does bring a good point as to why some Christians are so accepting of torture. If it's good enough for their Lord, it's good enough for anyone else.

Wed May 20, 10:56:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Batocchio said...

Great line!

Some Christians are appalled by torture – but evangelicals support it at higher rates than the general populace, according to at least one poll. Most likely, these are authoritarian conservatives, who don't have many principles beyond tribal loyalty – torture is wrong when done to them, right when done to others. They also tend to ignore all that peace, love and helping the poor stuff in the Gospels.)

On the Roman front – the Romans tortured as punishment, but statements obtained through torture were inadmissible in court, because the Romans knew that such "evidence" was unreliable. See Scott Horton for a good write-up on this. The Bushies were warned that torture was illegal and didn't work for intel, but they did it anyway, and squashed several internal probes. These were not crimes committed in good faith (nor were the Christians among these scoundrels very, um, good in their faith).

Wed May 20, 01:28:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Elmo said...

Thank ya much, Mr. Batocchio! I left out the comma because it sounds/reads more "Texan," by the way...;)

Wed May 20, 08:04:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Batocchio said...

Haha. That's true! But then shouldn't there be a "y'all" or a "bless their hearts" in there, too? Or is that just Southern without being specifically Texan?

Wed May 20, 09:22:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Elmo said...

Yes, I concede. I'm a fuck-up even for a true Texan. Maybe that is why everyone I ever met from Houston has called me a Yankee when I told them I was from Dallas...

Wed May 20, 09:57:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous mdb said...

The idea that torture is used to get information is simply not true. Torture has always had 3 main purpose: (1) create information, e.g., extracting a confession, linking al-quaeda to Iraq, etc. (2) to get someone to recant their religious belief, e.g., the Spanish Inquistion. (3) to punish someone.

The idea that torture is used to get important information is an invention of modern film and TV.

Thu May 21, 02:28:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

My friend Anna Limosan lived in a Catholic Convent from 1944 to 1965.
What they did to her is so horrific that you will not believe me. She was raped, beaten every week with a burning hot metal pole, starved for weeks on end, oh my God the list of horrors for 21 years day in day out is endless. She has had bungled operation after operation. Her internal organs have been removed. Her spine has been cut in many places. Her left leg is in a horrible state, again with many operations. The degree of mental abuse to a young child (calling her mother all names under the sun, saying she was like her mum,..) was just absolutely shocking.

In my new book 'Christianity' I explain that the Catholic Church was long ago taken over by the mafia.

Being deprived of the possibility of having a wife to beat and rape, the Catholic priests (nuns are as bad or worse) took to a massive programme of enjoying young boys and when senility hit them they then took to taking young girls.

I in my book list the main Mafia leaders, starting of course with the head of the mafia, the pope. I explain that the pope himself has raped 7 young girls more than 2000 times and that he previously was a massive enjoyer of young boys.

I also list the numerous Catholic authorities that I have approached to get justice for Anna: the vatican, the UK authorities, 'leading' Catholics from around the world.

Why is it that I have been completely stonewalled by the Catholic Church? It is because all the Catholic centres around the world which I name (the heads of) are members of the mafia.

Some of the mafia members have the following names:

Barbara Jatta
Bezzone Ennio, Albenga-Imperia (Italia)
Bilbao Zepeda Rodrigo Alonso, Santiago de Chile (Cile)
Capella Carlo Alberto, Milano (Italia)
CASAROLI, Agostino, Piacenza
Chezza Giorgio, Nardò-Gallipoli (Italia)
Chica Arellano Fernando, Jaén (Spagna)
Ckuj Adrian Paul, Ss. Peter and Paul for Ukrainian Catholics (Melbourne) (Australia)
Cona Roberto, Piazza Armerina (Italia)
Ćosić Slađan, Sarajevo (Bosnia Herzegovina)
Cruz Serrano Juan Antonio, Almería (Spagna)
Cudny Jerzy M., Drohiczyn (Polonia)
Dr Adalbert Roth
Dr Ambrogio M. Piazzoni
Dr Giancarlo Alteri
Dr Luigina Orlandi
Dr Marco Buonocore
Dr Massimo Ceresa
Dr Paolo Vian
Dr Raffaella Vincenti
Dr Stefano Righetti
Dubiel Kryspin, Przemyśł (Polonia)
Ferrante Andrea, Altamura-Gravina-Acquaviva delle Fonti (Italia)
Fr. William Sheehan
H. Em. Card. Angelo Sodano
Hajdu Tibor, Bratislava-Trnava (Slovacchia)
Herrera Corona Javier, Autlán (Messico)
His Most Reverend Eminence Card. Raffaele Farina, S.D.B.
Jean-Louis Tauran
Jorge María Mejía
Kaboré Julien, Koupéla (Burkina Faso)
Kośła Jarosław, Varsavia (Polonia)
Kulbokas Visvaldas, Telšiai (Lituania)
Laterza Giuseppe, Conversano-Monopoli (Italia)
Mamertino Vincenzo, Lamezia Terme (Italia)
Marco d’Agostino
Maria Luisa Agati
Mazzotti Stefano, Terni-Narni-Amelia (Italia)
Medina Blanco Amaury, Barquisimeto (Venezuela)
Miles Mark, Gibilterra (Gran Bretagna)
Mr Mauro Mocavini
Mr. Bisconti Prof. Fabrizio, Magister
Mr. Cenci Bolognetti Dott. Stefanello, Curator
Mr. Fiocchi Nicolai Prof. Vincenzo, Curator
Mr. Imbrighi Dott. Cav. Gr. Cr. Pier Luigi, Ab Epistulis
Mr. Luti Comm. Bruno, Procurator
Mr. Marocco Comm. Michele, Curator
Mr. Migliorini Dott. Alberto, Arcarius
Mr. Zauli Dott. Comm. Stefano, Curator
Mrs. Acutis Salzano Dott. Antonia, Curator
Mrs. Giuliani Dott. Raffaella, Curator
Mrs. Spera Prof. Lucrezia, Curator
Msgr Cesare Pasini
Msgr. Salvatore Nicolosi
Ortiz Mejías Carlos A., San Juan de Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico)
Panamthundil George, Trivandrum (Malankara) (India)
Rev. Msg. Iacobone Pasquale, Sacerdos
Rueda Beltz Mauricio, Bogotá (Colombia)
Škrlec Hrvoje, Zagabria (Croazia)

If anyone has any ideas of how to help Anna, please do write to me at or if you are afraid of writing when mafia is involved, call me on my mobile +44 (0)7956634444.

They are now after me!

I look forward to hearing from you.

All best wishes


Sat May 23, 02:15:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Thomas Zabiega said...

Included in the list of names here is the entire graduating class of 2002 from the Eccliastical Academy in the Vatican (the training academy for Vatican diplomats). This shows that this is a fabrication, as someone went on the Vatican website and simply cut and pasted these names of Catholic graduate students who are nobodies right now starting out their career in the Vatican. Check what you print, because this is more than absurd.

Sun Jun 13, 08:58:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shyam is just a fake, I know very close to one of these priests and does not belong to any mob of which the accused, so careful what you say because you can get in serious trouble and if not as fact.

Wed Jun 22, 02:39:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Elisa said...

I find this a thought provoking question.

Thu Feb 13, 05:16:00 AM CST  

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