Michael Goldfarb...
So many dumbasses, so little time...
As to whether Bush is a recruiting tool for terrorists--who cares? Al Qaeda was recruiting before Bush was in office and they will continue to do so after he's gone. The important thing is that we keep killing those recruits. Eventually, one side will give up. And if Obama wins in November, we know which side that will be.
Who cares? Fuck you asshole, we all should care. If you can't see how individuals joining Al Qaeda because of U.S. influence is a bad thing, then you're just retarded. But I guess keeping terrorists numbers high so we can kill them is keeping you in business, so no sweat off your nuts, chickenhawk. I know the 25%ers out there will buy your argument, but the rest of us think you are a retard, Michael.
The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad...
No the best is that he thinks McCain did a good job! OMG. Anything that he said or did was just more fodder for this Lefty to get a good hard laugh and reality of just how crazy McSame is. That was pure comedy relief what Mr. Goldfarb wrote. Pure.
I hear ya, flipped my boat too...
Doing something repeatedly while ignoring criticism that the results
are undesiable ignores the likelihood definions of 'desirable' differ. It isn't like George et al would lie, hm ?
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