Happy Liberal Action Day!

We owe our freedom to a brave bunch of liberals who broke from the conservatives(Tory's) and became patriots. The conservatives(Tory's) of the day wanted safety and security. The liberals just wanted freedom. Lucky for us the liberals were brave and rejected the conservative(Tory's) scare tactics. The American Revolution was the first large-scale modern success in liberal rebellion, soon followed by revolutions in Europe. Rebellion and revolution, however good the intentions, do not usually lead to a liberalized government of the people. But ours did. God bless the USA.
Oh say can you see...
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amen brother
God bless the limitations on presidential terms.
God bless the limitations on presidential terms.
The great liberal George Washington was way ahead of his time in that regard too...
Thanks for the reminder. It's awfully bleak out there now, but Valley Forge wasn't any picnic either.
wingnuts=redcoat royalists.
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