Chickenhawks vs. Steering Yoke

I begin with an omission. My tbogg. Hands down. I started this blog-u-journey with Kevin Drum and the über intellectuals; but tbogg showed me there was actionable intelligence in my real talent...snark. So here I am.
Today was good. I got to show my hero I was for real, foe-reel! You see, this weak ass two-bit chickenhawk tried to prove a real soldiers account of events in Iraq were false on a CSI investigating your ass sort of way, and tbogg called him on it. And, of course, I was happy to provide some key facts.
I'm all smiles tonight...but I still need a lot of work.
steering yokes win...
I once proved there was a shooter on the grassy knoll using an Obi Wan Kenobi action figure sitting in a GI Joe jeep (Cheetara stood in for Jackie.)
Yes teh, thanks for pointing out I'm an amateur...
man, I like your wife... need me to house sit?
tracks, mech is for pussys btw...
all my best!
Yeah, I know...they are an ez kill.
No house sitting needed...
Love it. We have new chicken-hawk to extremes material on RoD. You must stop by.
true dat...
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