Monday, September 25, 2006

Blind in Texas Fantasy Football League WK 3

QB Favre, Brett - 28
RB Brown, Ronnie - 10
WR Williams, Roy - 23
k Kasay, John - 18
79 pts / YTD 237

QB Delhomme, Jake - 16
RB McGahee, Willis - 15
WR Driver, Donald - 12
k Hall, John - 4
47 pts / YTD 132


Blogger Eli said...

I hate to be the one to point this out, but... smarty is kinda bad at this.

And the Giants have a bye, so no help with the passing numbers there this week.

Mon Sep 25, 06:07:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Elmo said...

She'll get better. What the hell happened to NY's secondary? They were not so bad last year.

Tue Sep 26, 08:49:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Eli said...

Actually, their secondary *was* pretty bad last year. But they had a pass rush, so it wasn't so obvious.

I can understand if Strahan's past his prime, but what's up with Osi?

Tue Sep 26, 08:25:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Smartypants said...

I have zero time for research. I look up a few stats but not much time right now. = (

Why are we the only ones playing? Eli. Step up.

Tue Sep 26, 09:27:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Eli said...

I'm tellin' ya, just pick whoever's passing or receiving against the Giants. It shouldn't be *that* hard to find out...

And ever since my one foray into fantasy baseball (I won, but it pretty much ruined my ability to actually enjoy the games themselves that season) and multiple forays into NCAA tournament pools (dismal, miserable failure), I just haven't had any appetite at all for this sort of thing. I was just trying to offer you the benefit of my Giants insider's knowledge.

Tue Sep 26, 10:46:00 PM CDT  

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