Band of the Week: The Sweethearts

Well, looky here! Generals Crawlin' out of the woodwork to oppose Rumsfeld. Nice of you guys to finally speak up, even if you had to Runaway...(clears throat) retire from the military to do it. The Sweethearts...
Politics, Sports and more...from a veteran, father of 3, and damn proud liberal.
I like her hair!!!!!
Um. I posted about the wager. I'm willing to give up much.
I like her hair too Heidi
Yes buschpounder, they can.
Smarty...your going to look sooooo fine in that TO jersey!!!!
Oh, we'll see about that.
You're on!
Don't worry Smarty, you'll get more on e-bay resell than you have to actually pay for that T.O. jersey.
LOL! I'm sorry, your like a sister to me, I fell like I'm pulling our ponytails right now...
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